Key Benefits

Achieve3000® provides students and educators with a series of powerful benefits for individualized education. Every day, based on the results of the LevelSet ™ evaluation, students work with content appropriate for their comprehension level via e-mail, which promotes reading comprehension.

Providing readings based on the Lexile level leads to an expected comprehension rate of 75%, showing that the content won´t be too difficult that it becomes frustrating for the student, but it will be challenging enough to encourage their progress.

Lexile Measures help establish measurable goals to analyze and evaluate progress without additional tests. Students are continuously evaluated with diagnostic data available to teachers and administrators in real time.

While adjusting Lexile levels, educators can challenge more or facilitate the comprehension. The software engine of Achieve3000 automatically adjusts the content to meet the needs of the student in evolution, providing a clear path towards continuous improvement, as well as saving teachers´ time and effort.

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