Lexile Framework®

The Lexile Framework® serves as a powerful and significant base for Achive3000 Solutions to be able to adjust the development processes of the reading comprehension competence with the individual learning levels, in order to accelerate the development of this competence in students. If a student faces an extremely complex text, he or she won´t learn and the same happens if the text is too simple.


¿What is the Lexile Framework?

Since 2010 the US government decreed the establishment of a national program to promote reading comprehension called “Common Core,” to attack the backlog that in this matter made evident the Educational American System compared to those of other countries. The creation of a standardized referenced framework similar to ETS- TOEFL and GL-Assessment was entrusted to MetaMetrics. The result was the creation of the Lexile® system, which is mandatory in the entire United States, and its results are required to determine the ability of a student to enter high school or college.

The Lexile® Reading Framework correlates the ability of a lector with the difficulty of a text, allowing individualized assessment and instruction. It is a scientific approach to measure the reading comprehension with capacity levels in a scale from 25L, for beginners (25 Lexiles) up to 1700L for advanced text readers. The Lexile Framework® has become the most used measurement in the 50 States of the American Union; currently educators, libraries and publishers use it.

Educators have long struggled with the task of assessing reading and writing in an objective manner. Unlike mathematics or the “hard sciences,” we have not had any significant unified system of measurement. The Lexile Framework® provides an objective measurement system, which allows a more accurate and effective assessment of the reading comprehension competence.


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